To contribute and share your knowledge about a world class country or city you love please write following the template below and send it to us through the Contact Us page.
Please refer to (country) & (city)
#1 Introduction
Write about 3-4 introductory paragraph about the name, the geographical facts and the common perception you or other have on the country/city.
#2 The Magic Of Country/City X
Instead of writing the “Overview of Country/City X” or “Country/City X Attractions” which sounds boring, we have the subtitle tastes more delicious. Anyway, this is where you write about the attractions and why others have to pay a visit to this country/city.
#3 Travel To Country/City X – Top 10 Best Places
Create an A-list of the top 10 must-visit spots with short description for readers to have a little understanding about them.
#4 Three Reasons Why I love Country/City X
Write about your personal likings about the country/city. Whether you are able to convince readers why they should travel there and hence help spur its economy growth, here is your battlefield.
#5 A Little Story In Country/City X (Optional)
This section is optional. Anyway, kindly share with us be it your own experience, funny short stories from book or somewhere, heard it from the local people or other travelers, or simply on a whim of creating one.
#6 Photos (Optional)
Provide some quality photos for visual pleasure. Don’t be a mean photo hog but share with the world if you have some beautiful photos in your albums.
#7 Contributor’s biography (Optional)
Your Name:
Your Website:
P/S: You could write it with a sense of humor but must be factual and easy to understand. Feel free to express your true personality.