15 Things You Can Do To Make An Ordinary House Become Extraordinary. I’m Going To Do #7 For Sure

For some people, it is boring to live in the same house and look at the same wall for years. But it is not practical to keep moving to a new house even though you are wealthy. Instead of finding a new home, why not take a look at your house and use some ideas to spice it up? Sometimes, with a great idea or a little twist, you could make yourself or your family happy. Now you can check out these 12 amazing ideas people do to their house. Some of these ideas take only a day to make it come to life while some require less than $100 dollars. They are awesome ideas for sure!

1. Turn your kitchen table into a ping pong table when it is not in used.

kitchen ping pong table
You can get a ready made ping pong table mat at many sports equipment store. Instead, it is not hard to DIY.

2. On-wall Cat Cage.

cat cage on wall
Don’t have enough space for your cat to move around? Try this brilliant idea. Size does not matter at all.

3. Hammock over the stairs.

hammock on stairsMany people overlook the space on the stairs. You can put a hammock over the stairs and make good use of the space.

4. Build an indoor slide.

indoor slide house idea
A Yokohama-based architectural firm LEVEL Architects built an unusual 3-storey house featuring an indoor slide. This is definitely going to be a lot of fun living in the house. This playground-house is located in Nakameguro, Tokyo.

5. Build a pirate ship bedroom

indoor slide house idea
It can be your room or for your kids.

6. Make use of the space underneath to store all your wines and perhaps food.

interior design home ideas
interior design home ideas

7. Why not use your stairscase as bookcase after all it will still functioning as stairs.

book staircase

8. This is a brilliant idea. You get to listen to different kind of music whenever it rains.

interior design home ideas

9. A room for skate-boarding. This is strictly for skate-boarders.

interior design home ideasYou can skate at anytime you want if you make this in your house.

10 .Turn your balcony into a pool.

Le Raffine balcony swimming pool
The photo above is a super condominium in Bangkok, Le Raffine. Your balcony is your swimming pool and your swimming pool is your balcony.

11. Want to play table tennis but no space for the table? Convert one of your door then.

ping pong door

12. Understairs storage. It helps to arrange all your stuffs nice and tidy.

understairs storage

13. It is a dinning table and also a pool table.

dinning pool table
dinning pool table

14. Feel like working on the beach? Step on the beach sand then.

interior design home ideas

15. Now you can make your dining a little more exciting with the swing set table.

swing set table
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