Estrella, a blogger from Taiwan, topped 44 pounds (20kg) during her pregnancy. She is happy because she gave birth to a healthy baby. On the other hand, she is sad with her current weight because of the extra 44 pounds of fat on her body after the pregnancy. She uses many photo editing apps on her phone to remove her from the photo when someone wants to see the photo of her baby. That’s fat… That’s fat… and That’s fat!
On the left is how Estrella look like at the fourth day after she gave birth to her child. Her body changes after childbirth.
That’s fat but this is the fact. According to Estrella, 44 pounds came from all the high-protein high-calcium food and nutrition during the pregnancy. She also had a lot of pork meat during the pregnancy. There is no way to reduce the quantity of food because she needs an adequate amount of nutrition for her baby.
She was upset with the weight and this is the thing she tie on her waist in order to get her flat abs back in just 21 days.
Estrella didn’t do any exercises for more than a month after childbirth. She rest on bed most of the time and she had 5 to 7 meals a day.
April 23 was the day she gave birth and June 11 was the day she starts to go to the gym room. Her body fat was 22.7%.
In the beginning, what Estrella did was walking on the treadmill. On June 15, Estrella started to do some simply workout such as squat, leg press, lying leg curls, leg extensions and pull up.
Estrella focuses mostly on abs workout and lower body workout because she wants to get rid of all the fat around her waist as soon as possible.
Estrella starts her workout with the lightest weight possible, says 5 lbs. Sooner or later, she spends 40 minutes on the treadmill and another hour for workout. On July 2, she added some weight to her workout.
Once you are sweat, no Fat!
It took only 21 days for Estrella to lose 44 pounds. That was amazing and definitely inspiring for women who have just gave birth. Estrella is now weighs 105 pounds (48kg).
Image source: Estrella Facebook
Planking exercise is also a major workout for Estrella.
“Emotion can be the enemy, if you give into your emotion, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotion, because the body always follows the mind.” – Bruce Lee.