As the east and west are few thousand miles apart, it is quite interesting to learn the differences in social cultures between them. For example, slurping your noodles is a polite thing in Japan but it is odd in the west. Eating a grasshopper is normal for Thai but that only happens in Fear Factor reality show. Today, we are going to walk through Chinese Walmart and show you the bizarre food. You wouldn’t believe that pig faces are common items in the store. All these food are totally normal for people in China but they probably will give you some customs shock.
1. Crocodiles. My 6-year-old son screamed when he saw this. 
2. Live eels. It’s an item you won’t see in the American stores.
3. Pig feet are available almost every day in Wal-Mart China. Customers can touch and select the best pig feet.
Flickr/Flippy Whale
4. An entire pig and hundreds of pig faces.
5. Watermelons for one.
6. Live wild hopping frogs. You need to be able to handle it if you want to buy it.
7. Peeled fresh orange.
8. Eggs in different types of colors such as green, purple, pink, blue and black.
What kind of chicken lays green, purple, pink and blue eggs?
9. Salted Mackeral.
10. Fresh turtles. Guaranteed fresh because they are still moving.
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11. Different types of rice are widely available in Walmart China and Walmart Asia.
12. Powdered Horse Milk.
13. Identical Twin Fish.
14. Dried Squid and many other dried seafood products.
15. Kiddy shark in package.
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16. A huge shark head.
17. Packs of dried reptile body parts.
18. Grilled Stick Pork. They are in packages.
19. Grilled rat? This is one of the most bizarre food you will ever see in Chinese Walmart. Notice there is a small rat icon above the price tag.
20. Duck meat with heads and feet.
21. Plenty of seafood.
22. Hot and Spicy Beef Granules.
23. Buy 3 Snickers Free 2 Energizer Battery. There is a label to tell you “Do Not Eat”.
Are you ready to shop at Wal-Mart in China?